
ACC3 stands for “Air Cargo or Mail Carrier operating into the Union from a Third Country Airport”, a designation required in order for these carriers to fly cargo into or through the European Union.

Since July 2014, carrier stations in third countries are required to have undergone an audit to obtain an EU Aviation Security Validation in order to acquire or maintain their ACC3 designation.

This validation needs to be reissued every five years according to the EU Regulation.

To obtain the ACC3 status, an air carrier needs to submit its relevant air cargo or mail security operations in non-EU countries to an EU aviation security independent validation. This exercise, carried out by an EU aviation security independent validator, will assess the carrier's security program to ensure its relevance and completeness.

In addition, the independent validator will assess ACC3 implementation of aviation security measures during an on-site verification. The EU independent security validator will draft a report based on his findings and provide it the appropriate authority of the EU Member State that has been assigned for the designation of the ACC3.

STI currently employs four ACC3 EU Validators. These Validators have been doing pre-audits and ACC3 / RA3 / KC3 validations ever since the regulation came into play in early 2012. Over the years all of STI´s validators have acquired massive experience all around the world.

Today we are happy to announce that one of our ACC3 customers, a renowned European airline, has extended our ACC3 service contract – meaning also the next years we will validate the airline´s various stations around the world.

We appreciate the trust and are very much looking forward to the job that lies ahead!

STI – We Train Your Security