Identify threats and prohibited items with an expert eye:
OTS Xpert HBS - advanced training for hold baggage control
Recognize dangers that you normally do not encounter in daily work.
How can IEDs, printed firearms or metal-free stabbing weapons look like?
Training for the eye - dissolving overlays in densely packed luggage.
X-ray image interpretation for professionals - training of image evaluation functions.
Modern X-ray machines for controlling objects offer a high detection rate. This is significantly dependent on the level of knowledge of the operators and thus on the “human factor”. People who evaluate the generated X-ray images are required to reliably recognise a wide variety of threats, which, however, they rarely encounter in the course of their normal work. Therefore, it is particularly important to repeatedly show all staff in X-ray control these threads as part of their continuous training and thus train them to recognise them.
Training with OTS is the only way for a screener to practice recognizing IEDs and other dangerous objects.
OTS Xpert seamlessly builds on the knowledge gained in the initial training with OTS basics. Based on the in-ternationally valid regulations for checks on HBS, the ability to recognize threats is being further expanded. Tailored to the steadily increasing requirements in civil aviation, OTS Xpert individually and adaptively shows objects of various hazard categories as well as non-hazardous luggage in order to familiarize screeners with both.
The training system is ICAO-compliant and approved by the Federal Police of Germany (BPol) in accordance with DVO (EU) 2015/1998 for recurrent training of screeners in aviation.
To ensure effective training, OTS Xpert demands and promotes individual learning progress: based on the individual recognition performance of the trainee, algorithms calculate the image distribution in the various categories and levels of difficulty.
All relevant image enhancement functions of the X-ray machine are provided: the students can control objects with image display functions such as NEG, SEN or OS.
STI verifies its simulators in regular operation at airports, as well as at its own freight and mail control points.
All OTS software solutions enable extensive graphic evaluations. Thus, the trainer always has an overview of the processing status and the individual performance of all learners in his group. The OTS software solutions are rounded off by online and offline support as well as regular updates.
Unique image quality due to import of image raw data
Compliant to EU and ICAO regulations
Recognized by BPol, LBA and BMI